We solve complex
societal problems
Bearfish is an advisory,
research and strategic
services company

We solve complex societal problems
Bearfish is an advisory, research and strategic
services company
We help our clients solve complex problems; especially those that involve motivating people to change their behaviour and require large-scale community buy-in. We are the team behind successful traffic management, road safety and public health programmes in the Western Cape. We differentiate ourselves from similar companies through our ability to go beyond research and strategy development, to implementation and ongoing management of solutions.
Evidence at the centre of
everything we do
All our work starts with intensive research. We go all the way to creative execution based on the intelligence we garner in this process, with the end game being to bring about measurable, positive change. We obtain insights through qualitative and quantitative research, engaging with stakeholders, encouraging community participation, and by applying the latest relevant science, such as behaviour change best practices.

A diverse and highly qualified,
motivated team
We believe in employing people with a variety of skills, perspectives, depth of experience and sector expertise. This ensures we have a real-world perspective and can apply innovative thinking to the problems we are looking to solve.
Our creative approach
Our team is known for their ability to tackle problems creatively and are experienced in developing communication solutions campaigns that resonate. Our team oversees the production of commercials, videos and films for social media and traditional platforms. The above the line creative work we have overseen has earned numerous accolades. Our social media team are experts in driving engagement in excess of industry benchmarks and for coming up with innovative digital campaigns to drive behaviour change.
Our creative approach
Our team is known for their ability to tackle problems creatively and are experienced in developing communication solutions campaigns that resonate. Our team oversees the production of commercials, videos and films for social media and traditional platforms. The above the line creative work we have overseen has earned numerous accolades. Our social media team are experts in driving engagement in excess of industry benchmarks and for coming up with innovative digital campaigns to drive behaviour change.


Our Work
We shine a light on our Provincial Traffic law enforcement officers.
We harness the power of music to drive home an important road safety message
We welcome the second season of our acclaimed reality TV show
We created a music track and video to highlight an important road safety issue